Library Media Center

SJES Library

Welcome to the SJES Library Media Center!

Click the search picture below to search for library books in our collection at SJES.  You can also find a lot of links to your favorite websites here.

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South Jefferson Public Library

Charles Town Public Library

Mrs. Moody

Mrs. Moody

Library Media Specialist

Hi and welcome to our library! It is so exciting to be a part of the South Jefferson community and have all of our students using the Library Media Center. I am looking forward to working with your child while we explore a wide variety of books from classic to contemporary. Students will have the opportunity to use different technology to create informational pieces, learn coding, and become better at typewriting. In doing all of these things, the students at SJES will learn to find, analyze, evaluate, interpret, and communicate information and ideas - skills they will need as adults to live and work in an information-based society. Should you have any questions please email me at, .

Birthday Book Club Members

Thank you to these Birthday Book Club members for donating a book to our library!  We are so excited to keep growing our collection of books!

(It’s never too late to participate - bring in this form to become a member!)

A student holding up a book

August 3: Chase

A student holding up a book

September 8: Louise

A student holding up a book

September 8: Abigail

Student holding up a book

September 15: Emiliano

Student holding up. book

September 17: Drew

Student holding up a book

September 19: Andrew

Student holding up a book

September 19: Elizabeth

Student holding up a book

September 17: K.J.

Student holding up a book

September 22: Lindsey

Student holding a book

September 29: Diego

Student holding up a book

October 5: Elizabeth

Student holding up two books

October 19: Piper

Student holding up two books

October 21: Skylar

Student holding up a book

November 19: Erich

Student holding up books

December 2: Colton

Student holding up two books

December 12: Holden

Student holding up a book

December 13: Holden

Student holding up a book

January 2: Sam

Student holding up a panda book

January 2: Sabrina

Student holding up a book

January 3: Carly

Student holding up an elephant book

January 3: Remmy

Student holding up a book of West Virginia

January 8: Henry

Student holding up a book

January 8: Colten

Student holding up two books

January 17: Trenton

Student holding up a book

January 24: Morgan

Student holding up a book

February 4: Silas

Student holding up a book

February 5: Natalie

Student holding up a book of Tesla Models

February 5: Bradley

Student holding up a book

February 10: Evan

Students holding up two books

February 15: Mason

Student holding up a book

February 16: Landan

Student holding up a book

February 24: Brianna

Student holding up a dinosaur book

March 4: Andrew

Student holding up a book

March 4: Madison

Student holding up a book of science

March 12: Liam